Monday 16 April 2012

8/28, week 2 day1

It's a cliche but it's true :-) After a long tiring and emotionally draining day yesterday, when I woke at 0450 I soooo wanted to go back to sleep, however I got out of bed got myself organised and set off to day1 week2 of PinPoint Fitness' new fitcamp regime.

It was a cold one this morning, however the plus side of that was that the ground wasn't as soggy as last week, still a bit of sliding involved, but not so wet knees, bum and elbows :-)

We had a great workout this morning, sorry I know I've said it before, but you'll hear me say it lots I'm sure in the coming 3 weeks... I love Tabata training!
It was another beautiful sunny morning with clear blue skies and next to no cloud but it was -1C although once we got going we were soon all warm enough.

I got home to discover John in remarkably good nick considering his exploits yesterday and after breakfast and a shower it was time for work.
It is slightly disconcerting driving to work and feeling the muscles deep in your bum twitching of their own accord!
Once the post workout buzz wore off I was sooooooo sleepy and tired. I think yesterday was catching up with me, it's too convoluted to explain but the combination of having had a good run myself, being overwhelmed that John had such an incredible time and got a Boston Qualifier, and then worrying about our friend who was doing his first marathon and wasn't as quick as he'd hoped to be, took it's toll... add that to the early starts and the 15hour day yesterday and you'll understand why I'm sleepy :-)
We have two friends and colleagues retiring tomorrow and I've been busy organising their farewell do as well, which involves it's own stresses. However the macaroons have actually turned out ok, the daisy cakes are done and the mars bar cake is cooling. My other friends and fellow ESOs are also busy baking and getting organised so hopefully we'll have a nice afternoon tea tomorrow.
today's menu:-
breakfast: raspberries, 1/2 banana and yoghurt
snack: blueberry muffin
lunch: salmon fillet with leftover stirfry veg
dinner: chicken breast fillet with broccoli, carrots, green beans

I've also managed to drink loads of water and some decaf green tea and a tulsi tea this afternoon.

One thing about being tired out yesterday - I slept all night - I don't usually manage that so hopefully I'll get another good sleep tonight and be back to my usual self tomorrow!

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