Sunday 22 April 2012

Half Way!!

Or in other words you have to be willing to move outside your comfort zone... we all have them, even those of us who run or take regular exercise and whom some others may think of as "fit", we still all have our comfort zones.
It's easy to stay safe inside it, you can dot along at a steady pace, feeling good about the world and pretty righteous that you're doing your bit to stay fit and healthy - and you are, you're just not pushing yourself.  I can write that last bit quite confidently because I have been there, it's only in the past 3 months that I have started to step outside my comfort zone and do things that make me uncomfortable, but I like the results, so I'm no longer afraid to keep on pushing the boundaries.  Starting the PT sessions with PinPoint Fitness was a big step outside the comfort zone for both of us yet we have both seen some great results - we've lost weight, we've lost inches and our race times have got faster, there are lots of reasons you could attribute this too, but it's about doing something different, something you've never done before, it wakes your body up and it starts to respond.  Then you get the payback for the hard work :-)
Guess that's a bit sermon-ish cos it's Sunday - sorry folks!  That's the thing though about a blog it's about putting your thoughts and feelings down on virtual paper.

Today is the halfway mark in the destination fat loss program and I'm pleased to report that I have lost another 2.5lbs so that's 4.5lbs and another 6cm which is 16cm in 2 weeks :-)
The next 2 weeks are going to be interesting as they include 2 Fast days - I'll update you on these when I do them...

I had a "long lie" this morning, despite wakening at 5.30 I managed to dose until 6.30 and didn't actually get up until almost 7!  At 5.30 I did seriously contemplate getting up and going for a run, but by the time I got up at 7 the notion had gone!  Instead, we watched the start of the VLM and then I did a mega ironing - still watching the marathon :-)
Back to watch the finish screens to look for friends who were running today and I did manage to see one, James come across the line.  He looked strong which was good to see as he heads off to USA in a day or two to run the Big Sur marathon next Sunday!
Shopping and lunch were next on the agenda, then it was time to put a roast in for dinner, make a batch of muffins and a pot of soup.
In between times I took 5minutes out to ice my knee as it's been pretty sore past few days, but seems to be on the mend...
Sunday night we have an hour of pilates and have just changed to the Summer timetable so it's 8-9pm, it's a bit of a late start, but it does stop us slothing in front of telly or on the computer and it gives us a good stretch.  The only thing I don't like about the time is that we need to eat before we go and in order to digest it, dinner is earlier than usual which is ok but not my choice.  However it's too late when we come home.

Today's menu:
Breakfast:  scrambled eggs with a thin slice of nutty bread
Lunch:  Roast turkey with a salad of mixed leaves and tomatoes.
snack:  Apple and half a muffin when they came out the oven :-)
Dinner:  Roast beef, celeriac mash, broccoli and carrots (only a few)

I made Broccoli and watercress soup so that will be tomorrow's lunch.

Well done to everyone who ran the VLM today, especially our friends, James, Pete, Graeme, Lindsy & Owen, and a special Congratulations to Lindsy & Owen as next weekend they get married!

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