Sunday 8 April 2012

Session 1 - done :-)

Day 1 done!
I went to bed early last night - by 2130 and was asleep within minutes, I'd set the alarm(s) for 5am but woke at 0200, 0300 and 0445 so I got up then :-) I'd been organised and laid out my stuff in preparation and in the hope of keeping the noise to a minimum so that I didn't disturb John too much.
A glass of water, half a cup of cherry and cinammon tea and I was good to go. I took a banana and some water with me and nibbled half the banana on the journey.
I think I was the first to arrive in the car park where we were all meeting, but it was only a matter of minutes until others started driving in. Those who had paperwork to complete did so and after introductions off we headed to the park. John and Pamela took us through the warmup routine and then demonstrated the exercises we were going to do, we all duly got down on the wet moss and did as we were bid :-)
I thoroughly enjoyed the workout, I'm sure that he wasn't kidding when John said it would get harder, but it was a good workout never the less, and there is something extra that you get from exercising outside, the birds were singing and the rabbits were hopping around...
Funny thing struck me, it rained on the drive through and it rained on the drive back, but I am not aware of it raining while we were working out :-)
Home to a breakfast of fresh fruit and yoghurt, a race to enter and then I'm off to meet a friend to take her out for a wee gentle jog. The rest of the day will be spent baking nutty bread and preparing food for the week.

Update: Had a gentle 5km jog/walk with Susan it stretched my legs out and she did really well. I then went for a Mega healthy shopping - I think you should get extra clubcard points for having a healthy shopping trolley! Had a nice soak in the bath to ease my legs and heat up as it was a bit damp and chilly when we were out running, then after some home made soup it was time to hit the kitchen for an afternoon of domestic goddess icity!
I baked 2 nutty breads and prepped the ingredients for another 2, this is a really nice loaf which contains no wheat or yeast, but does have a lot of nuts in it which require chopping and this is time consuming so I decided to weigh out and zipbag the dry ingredients and nuts so that if I am making more later in the week or at weekend it will save time. I also made a nice Balti which we had for dinner and some home made soup, oh and roasted a turkey which I couldn't resist as it was less than half price :-)

Today's menu:
pre 6am session - cup of cherry and cinnamon tea and half a banana. Other half banana on journey home.
Breakfast: Fresh fruit and yoghurt
Lunch: Home made veggie soup
Dinner: Chicken Balti with cauliflower
Snack: Carrot and Banana muffin - again no wheat, sugar or animal fat.

At least 2.5litres of water!
Think it will be another early bed tonight :-)

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